Riverside-on-the-Road: Sparta, WI
Sparta, WI
Join us on Saturday, June 23rd, from 1:00-4:00pm (CT) for our Riverside-on-the-Road event in Sparta, WI! This event is sponsored by RBC Connections (Alumni group). This afternoon will be filled with a potluck picnic in the park and Fellowship Time, and is open to all former campers, volunteers, and staff who are currently residing in the Sparta, WI area. You (and your spouse) are welcome to attend!
This is a potluck picnic, so please bring a dish to pass as well as your own plates/silverware.
RSVP is appreciated but not required for this event. Please RSVP to Mickey Kaufman at 630-235-1948 or mickey@riversidebiblecamp.org.
There will be no cost for this event.